What is Schaefer Protocol?

Everyone wants to promise pregnancy. While that’s a fantastic goal, our approach leads to pregnancy, better birth outcomes as well as healthier babies.

Just like each couple we have the honor to work with, the unique experience, lens and evidence informed practices we use create amazing outcomes. Want to learn more? Possibility waits…

How are we different? How is our approach unique.

Prepare to conceive a radiantly healthy baby

We’ve never lived in a time that we have had sicker kids. Right now our kids are dealing with more adult-onset diseases like cancer, autoimmune issues, and diabetes than ever before.

1 in 5 adults are dealing with an autoimmune disorder, and 1 in 2 are dealing with metabolic syndrome in pregnancy.  Learning to be healthy as an adult is hard enough – eating healthy, working on gratitude, moving your body – imagine how difficult it is to get a child to do the same!

Our focus is unique and you’ll hear lots of people who have gotten results with this work that they couldn’t find elsewhere. 

Our results are different because our questions and approach is different. We utilize the most up to date evidence based and epigenetic data available. 

The science of epigenetics focuses on understanding how your environment influences how your body expresses different genes within your body.  For example; vitamin D3 activates 2000 genes in the body and has been shown to decrease chances of asthma, eczema, and/or allergies in your BABY when mom is taking vitamin D3 during preconception and pregnancy. In men, vitamin D not only improves sperm quality, but it also changes the insulin response in his children. Pretty cool stuff!

This is why our approach is focused on the health of mom and dad – as much as I adore the couples I have the honor to work with, what I TRULY adore is the impact you are making on your children and grandchildren by taking the time to work on your own health prior to conception.

Our approach is different – we believe pregnancy is a side effect of health. When the focus is getting pregnant, health isn’t the first focus, and our kids are paying for it. We pride ourselves on better birth outcomes – for everyone involved! Not only do our couples rarely experience things like morning sickness, gestational diabetes, or blood pressure issues in pregnancy, they also give birth to babies who are calm, relaxed and alert. Our couples have significantly fewer challenges if any at all in postpartum, and if they choose to breastfeed, have a fantastic supply. 


Better than all of that combined, our couples are supported, acknowledged, and empowered on their journey – the longest and most rewarding journey of their lifetime – becoming parents. 

Our program doesn’t teach you WHAT to think, it focuses on HOW to think. When you know WHY you’re making the choices you are, it’s a whole lot easier to build habits, understand why your body is acting the way it is, and how to best approach a plan to create change. The quality of your questions determines the quality of your answers. We ask different questions, which is why our statistics are significantly higher than traditional fertility programs, and couples utilizing fertility treatment need fewer cycles and even drugless cycles! 

Imagine if you could slow or even stop potential health issues in your children by taking care of yourself first. That’s the focus, my passion, and drive of The Schaefer Protocol

Empowering healthy families from fertility forward has been my mission for over a decade now, and will continue to change lives of every couple we have the honor to work with!


Unique Challenges.
Individual Insights.
Customized Plans.
Incredible Results.

Here’s How It Works

Healthy Human Consult.

Book a 15-minute complimentary consult to see if we’re a good fit for you, and to see if you’re a good fit for us. We will go over your past history and gain understanding and clarity of what brought you to where you are, as well as answer any questions you may have about what we do.

Healthy Human Evaluation.

If you’d like to move forward, you’ll fill out an 8 point evaluation that will assess the main areas of concern and benefit when it comes to preconception and fertility work. This work is focused on The Schaefer Protocol and addresses lifestyle factors as well as hormonal factors that play a role in fertility challenges. 


In office, we will have you do your baseline testing, including mineral testing as well as scans and neurologic testing to see how your nervous system is functioning and adapting. X-rays may be done at this visit. 

Doctors Report

During your second visit, we will share what was discovered about your health based on the Consultation, Evaluation, Exam, Scans, and Testing.  At this visit, you’ll receive your customized care plan, and our recommendations for moving forward. If you agree and like the plan, we will move forward. If you decide it’s not for you, you’ll be armed with information, answers, and insight to help you make the best move forward for you.


A typical visit will last anywhere from 5-7 minutes, depending on how your body is adapting. You will be checked for vertebral subluxation and if present, you will be adjusted. It’s as simple as that!

I felt that visiting a chiropractor for fertility was quite unconventional, especially based upon my limited familiarity with chiropractic. We have been trying over a year to become pregnant with no success. Logically, it all made sense with the adjustments and the nutrition, but it almost seemed too simple. Why wouldn’t medical doctors be doing this if it were so fundamental as getting your system working correctly.? I felt it was something I could commit to, and it is cheaper than the alternatives of IVF or IUI! It felt nice to have personalized attention given to me and to the matter. Dr. marcia became a personal coach during the time I was trying to conceive, and her positivity and confidence kept me on a positive path and more intrigued all the time. if I could give any advice, it would be to keep a little healthy skeptiscism if you need to, but don’t let it take you away from committing to the process.

Nancy O’Brien

We had been trying for 9 months when we started seeing Dr. Marcia. Initially, I had come for a well-being check, since my husband was already under care for low back problems and raved about her care. When I mentioned off-hand we were trying to get pregnant, Dr. Marcia goes out of her way to answer questions or explain why something is happening. It makes the journey to wellness a lot more exciting. I would recommend Dr. Marcia and chiropractic care to anyone! The amount of problems that can be positively affected by chiropractic care astounds me. I am especially grateful that my son will have benefitted by being under chiropractic care from preconception forward!

Stephanie Klock

When I was told I had few eggs and eggs of less quality, I had some concerns about my age and pregnancy. I was worried about not being able to get pregnant the most, for younger women they seem to have lots of time but 40 seems like time was about up. I worked at being peaceful with my age and with any outcome and that was extremely hard, but I also held space for the potential great joy of a healthy pregnancy and baby. I trusted Dr. Marcia and had an absolutely wonderful pregnancy with my son. What I loved most about pregnancy was feeling the strong connection with the baby growing inside of me. I know it’s extremely hard to want a baby so badly and not have that happen. It’s tortuous, but I know anyone would be in great hands with Dr. Marcia!

Ivy Anderson